Final journey in Sol

 hei blog!!!
akhirnya bikin posting lagi nih, momennya 'udah' pas.
Kali ini mau cerita lika-liku selama jadi Tim Solusi :)

Tinggal hitungan jari lagi Album Akhir Tahun SMANSA bakal terbit, yg berarti itu hasil kerja terkahir kami TimSol 2010/2011
Ntar kalo terbit majalah lagi, mungkin kami udah kelas 3 dn kami juga ga banyak andil.
Dari awal, nyari berita, wawancara, bikin mading, ngedit2, dll.

Selama kelas X smpai sekarang gabung di Solusi dita juga sempet bikin beberapa cover buat Sol.
Iseng ajasih sebenernya karena kadang tiba-tiba muncul ide gitu aja dan harus dituangkan *tsaahhh
this is it! some cover by Marsha A. :p wkwkwkwk

The purpose for make it was not to be used for Sol cover, well just to lead to my ideas and fill my spare time.
For that they use or not, it is only 'bonus'
Almost all of that, no one use for cover :p ahaha poor me....
mostly it remake again by *a**, for SMANSA students already know how the finally printed

Honestly I learned a lot from here, learn to accept criticism without grumbling and anger.
That Criticism can be lesson and spirit for us.
I become better prepared to life in the 'real world' later, yaaahh i was know how it feels criticized or whatever.. ahahahha
Oya and the last, maybe what people say is true, mind and opinion from Old Group and Youth Group that is hard to converge. ahhahaha
something which is considered small by the Younger sometimes considered to be large and 'fatal' by the Old;)

Finally for all of you, Do not stop make something, just because one criticism or rejection from others
make it to be a lesson for you.
because without you knowing it, you are more lucky than those who always get accepted :)

NB: I hope you are all satisfied with ALBUM AKHIR TAHUN SMANSA:))

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Unknown mengatakan...

bagus yang 2 terakhir mar

ini-dita mengatakan...

tingkyuu yuuut :*