heloooo :D because now I'm bored and my bf is bored too, rarely he said he was bored and did not want to be disturbed. usually, he is often angry if I say anything like that. hahahah enough about my bf.

the day after yesterday i feel so broken hahaha ;'D
you're so vicious, have made me like this -____-
i cry in my class all of my classmates and my teacher looked at me because my tears fell so much.
they feel pity to me, they try to made me calm and stop cried. thank youu ;-* ;))
that moment that I feel just sad, weak, angry *semua campur jadi satu*
when I was little quiet, I suddenly remembered about him, and I cry again aaagghh ;@
and i kept cried until time to back home -.-
and i cried again when my bff comes, i cried on her shoulder :'(
yaaa sehariaaann itu teruusss aja nangis.
in night, when he contact me , i am getting sad.
i cry when he called me.
and thenn....... (just me and him who knows)

I want now is the best for me and him.
i was ready ;p


Sol akhir tahun

heeiii, check this out ! :D
Ini adalah solusi edisi akhir tahun
hasil kerja keras kami, tim SOLUSI selama berminggu-minggu.
hasil udah lumayan banget, tapi masih jauh dari sempurna.
yang mau liat boleh pinjem sma siapa aja yg punya hehehe



check this out :D


yyyeaaaaaaaayyy PARAMORE xD

jarang" dita punya idola kaya gini.
biasanya mereka yang ngefans sama dita *halah!*
tapi kali ini bener" udah jatuh cinta sama yang 1 ini xD
lagunya keeeeeeeerreeeeeeeeeeennn, vokalisnya apalagi.
dengerin deh lagu"nya, di jamin ketagihan hahahaha

huehehehhe masi kaya anak keciill ;P

red, okei :))

blond, okei

mirip vokal geisha? ya ngggk sih ?

hhmm so cute :D


ini dia, anggota terbaru PCA(Persatuan Cucu Atu)
adk kecil ini ---> putra pertama dari my uncle and my aunt.
lahir 10 April 2010, sekitar jam setengah 5 subuh gitu.
Selamat Datang Di Dunia dan Di PCA RADIT ABDUL DINATA :*
yaaaayyy, anggota PCA makin banyak aja.
cuma sekedar pingin nginget" lagi siapa" aja anggota PCA.
di mulai dari yang palin gtua, sampe yang paling kecil ;D
  1. Fitriana
  2. Rizky Yovanda Saputra
  3. Oktarina
  4. Marsha Anindita
  5. Ghina Puspitasari
  6. M. Raafi Yovanda
  7. Fadhila Akbaria Kusuma
  8. Muhammad Sampurna Jaya
  9. M. Farhan Safayunus
  10. Farid Hasyim Kusuma
  11. M. Reza Yovanda
  12. Salya Amiria Yuska
  13. Viayu
  14. Maliqi Putra Saptiawan
  15. Alzaky Bintang Yacub Senawi
  16. Rizky Ramadhan
  17. Radit Abdul Dinata

jepretan iseng

dambil poto ini pake kamera hape dari dalem mobil karena bosen nungguin gina sama ibu belanja xD

The Only Exception

By : Parammore

When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
and curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart and I watched
as he tried to reassemble it.

And my momma swore
that she would never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist.

But Darling,
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

Maybe I know somewhere
deep in my soul
that love never lasts.
And we've got to find other ways
to make it alone.
Keep a straight face.
And I've always lived like this
keeping a comfortable distance.
And up until now I had sworn to myself
that I'm content with loneliness.

Because none of it was ever worth the risk.

Well you are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

I've got a tight grip on reality,
but I can't let go of what's in front of me here.
I know you're leaving in the morning
when you wake up.
Leave me with some kind of proof its not a dream.

You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

I'm on my way to believing
And I'm on my way to believing

quick posting+award lagi

hhhuuwww setelah hampir seminggu gg berselancar bersama spidi :p berasa jadi pitechantropus lagi -.-
akhirnya sore ini udah bisa, karena hati ayah luluh jugaa.. yiipppp!!!!
buru" nih postingnya, karena besok udh mid. mapel buat besok, fisika-ekonomi-TIK wish me luck yaa semuuaaaa... :D

oya, dita dpet award lagi nih dari
mb siti, tengkyu tengkyu mb :D

mau kasih award ini lagi" buat

buat yang mendapatkan award ini, ada sebuah tugas yang harus di laksanain, diantaranya musti pasang link ni di postingan tentang award ni, (WAJIB!), dengan aturan, yang di nomor satu kamu hapus, lalu di nomor dua jadi nomor satu, diurutan ktiga jdi nomor dua (ngerti kagak mksudnya??? naek satu tingkat getoh,, khan yang paling atas sendiri kamu hapus,,). Trus yang nomor 10 kosong donk? nggak lah,, yg nomor 10 tuh kamu isi pake Link Blog kamu,, Jadi kamu jadi urutan nomor 10,, setiap dpet award musti kayak gtu,, yg nomoe satu kamu hapus, trus yg paling bawah alias yg terakhir kamu pasang link kamu,, ne daftar link yg musti kamu pasang:

1.Mendadak Neblog
2.Libujen's belajar buat blog pake HP
4.Cah Kudus
5.7bskodsa blogger
6.Cinta Ngeblog
7.Dark Ard Deidara
8.Coretan Cerita Harian